
  • Nursery

    0 - 2 Years Old

    9:30 and 11:00am

    Main Building

  • "Investigators"

    3 Years - 5th Grade


  • "Explorers"

    3 Years - 2nd Grade


  • "Adventurers"

    3rd - 5th Grade


Children are valued by God and are an essential part of the Church.

Because of this, Redemption Kids aims to come alongside families to make lifelong disciples by providing a safe, engaging, and gospel-centered culture.

We value:

COMMUNICATING the truth of the gospel in a way that is accessible to every child.

CARING for kids in a consistent, predictable, and safe way so that kids feel loved and known at church. This requires teachers that are intentional, prepared, and well- equipped to love children and teach them well.

CARING for our volunteers. We need teachers to be happy, healthy, and growing so that they will feel sustained and not drained through their ministry.

CREATING relationships with families so that they feel equipped and encouraged as they disciple their children at home.

CELEBRATING the God-given importance of every child by meeting them where they are at every stage.

CONNECTING kids to the life of the larger Church body through shared experiences and relationships with different generations.

CONNECTING kids to their local community and to the world through opportunities to share Christ with those around them through giving and serving in different ways.

Asking the Holy Spirit to work here, first CLEANSING our children through salvation and ultimately CULTIVATING in them an authentic love for Jesus.